Welcome back fellow fisherman!
The last week has been nothing but incredible. Big fish and lots of nice fish. Hot spots have been the entire can range from A to G and the islands from Green to Kelly’s all going great. Keys to success this time of year. Use your electronics to find fish, find the right water. I like no more than 2-feet of water clarity or less.
Run Bandits 50- to a 100-ft. back and Perfect Tens 25/25 and 30/30 with either one ounce or two ounces. Colors have been pink, chartreuse, white and orange bottoms. My favorites are painted by HL&S Customs. I also like stock colors and Dan Nista and DJ Customs. They are all great companies who paint great baits.
Speed has been 1.2 to 1.6 mph.
That’s it for now. Good luck and have fun.
Captain Gary Zart